I am the one who is singing the lowest in these recordings, thus the namesake of this site. All pieces recorded and edited by me.

"SkitSkaya:" A Mercy of Peace
Recording date: 2024_04_14Info
Pitch: Starts as written, ends one quarter step lower
Notable Lows: G1, A1, G1
Sheet Music

Львовский (Lvovsky): Cherubic Hymn
Recording date: 2024_04_14Info
Pitch: Starts one quarter step lower than written, ends one half step lower
Notable Lows: A1, C
Sheet Music

Aprahamian: Trisagion
Recording date: 2024_04_14Info
Pitch: Starts as written, goes one half step lower
Notable Lows: B1, A1
Sheet Music

(Unknown composer): Alleluia
Recording date: 2024_04_14Info
Pitch: One and a half steps lower than written
Notable Lows: Gb1
Sheet Music

Арха́нгельский (Arkhangelsky): Anaphora
Recording date: 2023_12_03Info
Pitch: Starts one half step lower than written, ends three-half-steps lower
Notable Lows: A♭1, G1
Sheet Music

Zakkak: Cherubic Hymn
Recording date: 2023_12_03Info
Pitch: As written
Notable Lows: A1
Sheet Music

Romanian melody: Trisagion (Arr. Chepikova)
Recording date: 2023_09_24Info
Pitch: Approx. one half step lower than written
Notable Lows: A1, A1
Sheet Music

Tone 6: Of Thy Mystical Supper
Recording date: 2023_09_10Info
Pitch: One half step lower than written
Notable Lows: B♭1
Sheet Music

Vocal Cover: First Fragment - Gula
Cover date: 2023_03_06 D'un gouffre inassouvissable, son panthéonInfo
Artist: First Fragment
Album: Dasein
Year: 2016
Genre: Neoclassical Technical Death Metal
Label: Unique Leader Records
Recording Lineup:
Vincent Savary: Bass
David Alexandre Brault-Pilon: Vocals
Troy Fullerton: Drums
Phil Tougas: Guitar
Gabriel Brault-Pilon: Guitar
Instrumental generated by Benjamin CarperLyrics
La facette de sa quête, son opposition
Du haut de son morbide trône d'extravagance
Exploitant et fusionnant la véhémence
Incommensurable appétit
Indomptable être dépéri
Ancré dans la prédation
Emporté dans la dépravation
Du haut de sa vanité
À la vitesse de sa montée
Il sombra dans la cupidité
Survolant les acres d'obsolescence
Hantant les seuils d'innocence
Puisant l'âme dans l'affaiblissement, traîné par les extirpeurs
Physiquement traité devant l'immonde, l'exhumation dite en torpeur
Inculqué à la quête du festin propice
À l'assaut des chemins, propulsé au fond du précipice
Enfermé dans l'insanité j'en fus enclin à basculer
Déchiqueté et éparpillé, j'en fus reconstitué
L'hypotésance de l'âme
L'inassouvissable soif du manque, le perforant
L'inertie innondante l'infinitésimalité de sa masse hideuse
Catalysant l'infection de sa faim
La faisant grandir de jour en jour
Gloutonnerie étant devenue monnaie courante
Gloutonnerie étant devenue fontaine de jouvence
Gula s'appropria l'arborescence de cette existence
Puis Gula se retrouva devant le trépas et devant sa fin se leva
Implorant sa mort par l'ingérence de son confort
Il en démontra que l'excentricité de sa panse
Combattant le feu par le feu
Son impitoyable règne, je le pourfendrai
Sa gargantuesque injustice, je la détruirai
D'un gouffre, inassouvissable
Atteingnant la cime qu'en extirpant l'insaisissable
Dans les panthéons de la possession
S'en gavant de l'opposition
Du haut de son morbide trône d'extravagance
Fusionnant et exploitant la véhémence
Incommensurable appétit
Indomptable être dépérit
Ancré dans la prédation
Emporté dans la dépravation
Du haut de sa vanité
À la vitesse de sa montée, il sombrera dans la cupidité
C2 Technique Comparisons
Audio+waveform examples of (mostly) the note C2, as performed by one person, with no effects.

Original Composition: After
Composition date: 2019_06_22Info
A short piece for piano. The main motif (measure 13, etc) is based on an earlier song I wrote, which I had called "Afternoon Rain." I decided I liked this part, but wanted something different around it, and when I rewrote the song, this is what remained "After." That's where the name of the piece originated.
I was initially inspired to rewrite the piece to teach someone how to read sheet music. At the church that my parents used to go to, there was a young guy (around 14, at the time, I think?) named Christian. He had taught himself to play piano quite well, but couldn't read music. I put this together, and included plenty of symbols. In less than 30 minutes of teaching, he was reading pretty well. Incidentally, he's probably the only person who learned about the double short fermata before seeing key signatures. Hmm...
Sheet Music

Original Composition: Entropy Reversal Procedure
Composition date: 2018_08_11Info
A piece for piano. There's no particular story to this one, it's just something I wrote one day. I still write music by putting accidentals every measure instead of just defining a key, I suppose I read it faster that way.
I'll probably eternally find the last note of this song amusing. It's intentionally out of key.
Sheet Music
Howl's Moving CastleAuthor: Diana Wynne Jones
Genre: Fantasy
Reading Age: 9+
Recording Status: 5 of 21 chapters
Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle.
To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.