
This document serves as an extension of my resume proper.


Manufacturing Specialist, 2yrs

That's the title that went on external emails, anyway. Internally, both to the company, and to my heart I suppose, I was a Fabrication Planner. I'd validate customer data, send in corrections if needed, prepare the CAD data and generate prints and part datasheets for production, and put together a bill of material and workcenter routing to get the parts made. I mostly worked on sheet metal and tube parts, thus the "Fabrication" part. The fab planners also tended to fix a lot of miscellaneous digital issues, such as problems with already released jobs. In this capacity, I had some freedom to decide what to do with parts, e.g. stop parts from hitting the floor until a certain issue is resolved, but little freedom to decide what parts to do. There's a fair bit more miscellaneous stuff I did in this position, but that shortly covers the parts relating to the job title.

Robotic Weldor, ~1yr

Set up a few parts in fixtures for welding, did some basic maintenance on weld robot like changing shielding gas. Some manual MIG and TIG welding on parts, mostly for touch-ups and for welds that couldn't be easily automated. My coworker and I were efficient enough that our workcenter would run out of jobs to do and/or parts to use, so I helped out at several other stations. Notably, I've done press brake, detail, drill press, and hardware insertion. Had I continued as a weldor, I likely would have asked about setting up one of the lasers, and doing some jobs for the main weld workcenter, but I instead moved to the engineering dept. of the same company.


AS Mathematics, ACC

1 class away from an AS in Engineering.

I have also taken multiple welding classes and received some manner of "welding program completion certificate" thing that isn't quite a degree, but they give out a limited number of them and I suspect I have one because at least one of my welding professors took note of how much effort I was putting into the classes. Now, I currently am very rusty at welding as I've not done it in a couple years, but I wouldn't turn down a nice quiet, clean garage, and a midrange TIG welder with a bucket of water and a fishtank pump rigged up to give it watercooling.


I learn software rather quickly; pretty fast with Inventor and Solidworks, but I can stomach nearly anything. Decent with Photoshop, Krita, I've used REAPER and FL Studio, AE and Kdenlive, Blender, basically if it involves dealing with images, video, audio, 3d models, photography, sheet music, text, or anything else really, I'll probably learn it a bit faster than usual. That includes dealing with obtuse corporate bloatware like Made2Manage, which I used for that engineering job near the top of this page.

Can do some intermediate sysadmin tasks. I've built a couple computers, fixed some phones and laptops, did troubleshooting on (troubleshot?) printers, and changed operating systems on a few phones and computers. Setting up this website required learning some HTML, CSS, dealing with acquiring a domain and setting up various domain records, configuring various reverse proxies, installing programs that use PHP, Docker, NodeJS, etc. I can do some basic programming and learn more when needed. Probably not going to write complicated software for you from scratch (at the moment, anyway), but your standard technology problems will start to go away while I'm around.

Misc. skills include soldering, sewing, calligraphy, setting up guitars, setting up and recording with various kinds of microphones, using a couple kinds of 3d printer. I'm various degrees of rusty and skilled at this stuff, but can return to reasonable competency without much fuss.

Go read some of the articles on my site and decide if you like my writing. If you do, consider it one of my skills.


I have not, in my extensive resume-reading history of checking a few dozen random resumes online, seen a single example with a "downsides" section. Perhaps this section is a great idea, perhaps it's not.

Anyway, I deal terribly with cigarette smoke. Even during discomfort, I make an effort to be pleasant and accommodating. However, an aura of tobacco, marijuana, etc, is going to mess with my throat, and I'll be generally less useful and happy than I would otherwise be. On the plus side, I have no substance use tendencies, and don't use scented products.

I've weird preferences when it comes to software and will probably refuse to install many programs onto my personal devices (dedicated work devices are another matter). If you use some proprietary logging program for clock-ins and there's no web interface, I'll rely on your devices, or some old-school backup method. On the plus side, I'm more proactive about and able to find alternative software.

I'd prefer to avoid using phone calls. The traditional frequency band that calls use starts about three octaves above the fundamental of my speaking voice and even with razor-sharp enunciation, my intelligibility ceiling over the phone is low. I have trouble comprehending speech over the phone (I can hear it just fine, but I can't understand it). "HD" calls are not really much better. On the plus side, I have no technical problems using voice chat programs on the computer.

There you have it. Thank you for your time.
